Sunday 30 October 2016

Halloween, Birthdays and more!

This week was jam packed with activities for students in Moyenne Section!

First there was the Charity Run.

Then there was Halloween.

Finally a Birthday Celebration for five of our students.

Ready to blow out the candles
Beautiful cakes

Leaving the party

An enjoyable and very busy week.

Sarah Kriel.
MS English Teacher

Thursday 27 October 2016

Making Playdough

Recently we made our own Playdough!

The children worked in pairs following a simple recipe. The process involved measuring, tasting the flour and salt and combining the ingredients. They added water and stirred until the mixture became too stiff. Then they turned it out on to the table and kneaded in the colour each child chose.

They had to squeeze it and squash it and roll it to achieve a smooth colour.

It was fun for the children to make their own Playdough. The process helps to strengthen their hands and improve their dexterity ready for writing!

Sarah Kriel
MS Teacher

Friday 7 October 2016

La semaine du goût

Cette semaine les enfants ont eu la chance de vivre une semaine du goût bien remplie !
This week  children had the chance to live a busy "semaine du goût" !

Le matin, pendant 3 jours, ils ont participé à des ateliers décloisonnés avec toutes les classes de maternelle. Tous les élèves de PS, MS et GS ont été répartis dans des groupes et ont participé à des activités variées sur le thème des cinq sens. Des parents volontaires sont venus apporter leur aide dans les classes.

In the morning, during 3 days, they attended workshops with all the maternelle classes. All the PS, MS and GS pupils were divided into groups and participated in various activities on the theme of the five senses. Volunteers parents came to provide assistance in the classrooms.

En voici quelques exemples :
Here are some exemples :

De plus. pendant la semaine,  les élèves ont  appris et réalisé des recettes.
Furthemore. pupils learned and made some recipes during the week.

- les hérissons brochettes de fruits - hedgehogs fruits skewers 

- les makis/sushis

- les sandwichs

Un grand merci aux mamans de Valentine. Emma et Augustin (Miss Sandwich !) qui ont organisé ces deux cours de cuisine, et à tous les parents qui sont venus les aider !
A big thank you to Valentine's; Emma's and Augustin's mums (Miss Sandwich !) who organised these two cooking classes, and to all the parents who came to help them !

Enfin pour fêter cette semaine du goût, tous les parents ont été invités à se joindre à un petit déjeuner partagé dans les deux classes. Ce fut un moment très convivial.
Finally to celebrate this "semaine du goût", all the parents have been invited to join a breakfast shared in both classes. It was a very nice moment.

Merci à tous pour votre participation tout au long de cette semaine du goût !
Thank you all for your participation throughout this "semaine du goût".

Marie & Sarah